Hoff Transition Note
Bob Hoffman, better known as “HOFF” will someday transition to the next adventure.
After many years of “end of life” preparation, Hoff is now exploring the best ways to continue his energy and spirit and soul and consciousness in a new realm. He is very grateful for all of the love, good times, humor, thoughtfulness, and care, received from all of his family and friends.
For a great overview of Hoff’s life and legacy please go to his website at hoffharmonica.com.
To visit with Hoff in the future, you have two excellent options:
Option #1 - Please go to any of his cremation sites where you can visit his cremains/ashes. These can be found at a few locations in Washington DC (especially at his cremation bench at Congressional Cemetery), as well as at sites in NYC, and Burlington,Vermont.- You can see a complete list of specific sites of the location of his on his website.
Option #2 - Whenever you want or desire to connect, simply think of him-he isavailable-and he will still be with you.
Video 40 seconds
The Shema is one of my favorite tunes - I try to recite it each morning and each night - it gives me comfort.
“Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad”
“Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one”
These words, commonly known as the Shema, are traditionally recited by Jews as we begin and conclude each day. Bookending not just our days but our lives, the Shema is also commonly the first prayer we are taught as children and is the final prayer we utter on our deathbed as we pass from this world. The Shema is the mantra of Judaism, its message foundational to what it means to live as a Jew of faith in this world.
Modeh Ani L’fanècha
Audio 15 seconds
I love reciting this prayer every morning - in celebration of another day of life
Modeh ani l’fanècha Rù-ach chai v’kayam she-hechezàrta bi nishma b’chemla raba emunatècha
Thank You, living G!d, for mercifully granting my soul another day of awareness.
Hoff's Transition Note for End of Life Relationships
Audio 2 minutes
Bob Hoffman, better known as “HOFF” will someday transition to the next adventure. After many years of “end of life” preparation, Hoff is now exploring the best ways to continue his energy and spirit and soul and consciousness in a new realm. He is very grateful for all of the love, good times, humor, thoughtfulness, and care, received from all of his family and friends. For a great overview of Hoff’s life and legacy please go to his website at hoffharmonica.com. To visit with Hoff in the future, you have two excellent options: Option #1 - Please go to any of his cremation sites where you can visit his cremains/ashes. These can be found at a few locations in Washington DC (especially at his cremation bench at Congressional Cemetery), as well as at sites in NYC, and Burlington,Vermont.- You can see a complete list of specific sites of the location of his on his website. Option #2 - Whenever you want or desire to connect, simply think of him - he is available - and he will still be with you.
Ethical / Spiritual Will Of Hoff
Audio 4 minutes
I have already completed my legal end-of-life documents, such as my will, my health care power proxy, and my advance directive. Now, I have decided to prepare this “Ethical Will” or “Spiritual Will”. This is in accordance with the ancient Hebrew tradition of an ethical will, as “a legacy of intangibles”. This includes some of my requests, hopes and dreams as I contemplate my death, as well as some of the values I have taken from life which I would like to pass on. Dear Family and Friends: I have already completed my legal end-of-life documents, such as my will, my health care power proxy, and my advance directive. Now, I have decided to prepare this “Ethical Will” or “Spiritual Will”. This is in accordance with the ancient Hebrew tradition of an ethical will, as “a legacy of intangibles”. This includes some of my requests, hopes and dreams as I contemplate my death, as well as some of the values I have taken from life which I would like to pass on. It has been a great ride and I appreciate the role that ALL of you have played in my life. I leave with deep feelings of gratitude. I have had a full life with a wide variety of wonderful experiences - and your support, participation, humor, and love has made the journey extremely fulfilling and enjoyable. I hope that during this time of my “transition”, you have thoughts and feelings of celebration and fond memories. And, when I say transition I do not mean ending. What I mean is the flow to the next step in our continued relationship. This continuation may manifest itself through memories, or experiences, or some other expression form of energy/spirit. In other words, I am providing you the possibility of a future with continued time “together” in another form. I will be ready when you are. I never go to sleep feeling that my work is done - my “to-do” list will probably never be completely finished, but I have tried to get to a place that it is “dayenu” - it is “enough”. The Jewish wisdom tradition teaches that “It is not necessary for us to finish the work, but neither are we released from the obligation to continue it. The way that I see it is that “the process is as important as the destination”. Every act of lovingkindness, sends a ripple of light into the world. Every challenge is also an opportunity for growth. I feel that I can look back on my life, the happy times and the periods of grief or anxiety, and say, “this has all been part of a full life. I believe that death is just a passageway to some other life beyond. I hope to be reunited with my loved ones who have gone before, and also to stay in “touch” with those who I temporarily leave behind. Just as I pray for your welfare every day now, so I will continue to do so from the “hereafter”. On a personal note, this belief system has put me in a position where I have a greatly diminished fear of dying (leaving my body). A few years ago, after much contemplation, I developed an internal feeling of peace with the realization that will help me in the transition process. I have done my best to achieve various type of “closure”, and to avoid the regrets that prevent people from being at peace with themselves when facing death. I learned the importance of family from my parents, and therefore am so pleased to have amassed a family I can be proud of. This is my most prideful legacy. All parts of my family have been important - those who have come before me, those now in my life, and those who will follow. I have especially enjoyed time with children and grandchildren. And I have had the great fortune to have a wonderful extended family of step children and step grand children. All of my children and grandchildren have been a major fuel that has kept my engine going, and my fondest gratitude goes to you. With Great Love, Harmonically Yours, Hoff, Dad, PopHoff
Ethical / Spiritual Will Of Hoff – written in 2022
Bob Hoffman, better known as “HOFF” will someday transition to the next adventure. After many years of “end of life” preparation, Hoff is now exploring the best ways to continue his energy and spirit and soul and consciousness in a new realm. He is very grateful for all of the love, good times, humor, thoughtfulness, and care, received from all of his family and friends. For a great overview of Hoff’s life and legacy please go to his website at hoffharmonica.com. To visit with Hoff in the future, you have two excellent options: Option #1 - Please go to any of his cremation sites where you can visit his cremains/ashes. These can be found at a few locations in Washington DC (especially at his cremation bench at Congressional Cemetery), as well as at sites in NYC, and Burlington,Vermont.- You can see a complete list of specific sites of the location of his on his website. Option #2 - Whenever you want or desire to connect, simply think of him - he is available - and he will still be with you.
Hoff Deathbed Vidui (Deathbed Prayer)
Traditional Judaism offers a confessional prayer, or vidui, to be recited during a time of serious illness or near death. The time between life and death is considered extremely sacred in Jewish tradition. On one hand, the passage marks the conclusion of the soul's journey on earth. On the other hand, death heralds the beginning of the soul's eternal life. This is Hoff's Vidui O my God, and God of my ancestors, accept my prayer Although I pray for life and health, I know that I am mortal and all things are impermanent. If my life must soon come to and end, let me die, I pray, at peace. I am profoundly grateful for my life and the commitment of my soul. Allow my passing to be a healing for my family and friends. May my life’s lessons provide true messages and healing for all. May my death be honorable and may my life be a healing memory for those who have known me. May my loved ones think well of me and may my memory bring them joy. From all those I may have hurt, I ask forgiveness, and Upon all who have hurt me, I bestow forgiveness. I feel the deepest gratitude for my parents, my siblings, my children, my grandchildren, my family, my wife Dianne, my extended family, my friends, and my various “communities”. I ask your blessing upon them all. I am grateful to have had thoughtful parents, who in their own way, helped to prepare me for leading a good life, with flexibility and responsibility and joy. Their parenting skills have been passed down through the generations, first to me, and now to my children. And so, I now come to the transition. I look forward to a peaceful end of this adventure and the beginning of a new one - full of mystery and connections, with my continued energy and spirit and soul. I am hoping for the possibility of new and enhanced relations with those who have transitioned before me, especially my my Brother (Ethan) my Mother (Anni), and my Father (Herbie). I also look forward to the future opportunities continuing to help those who I leave behind. I plan to be available to them. I acknowledge before the Source of all, that life and death are not in my hands. Just as I did not choose to be born, so I do not choose to die. But I accept both as part of my adventuresome journey. As an affirmation of my Jewish identity and connection, I chant and hear the beautiful, historic, and everlasting “Shema” "Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one" Shema Yisrael Adonai Elohenu Adonai Echad
Audio 3.5 minutes
Ethical / Spiritual Will Of Hoff – written in 2022
Bob Hoffman, better known as “HOFF” will someday transition to the next adventure. After many years of “end of life” preparation, Hoff is now exploring the best ways to continue his energy and spirit and soul and consciousness in a new realm. He is very grateful for all of the love, good times, humor, thoughtfulness, and care, received from all of his family and friends. For a great overview of Hoff’s life and legacy please go to his website at hoffharmonica.com. To visit with Hoff in the future, you have two excellent options: Option #1 - Please go to any of his cremation sites where you can visit his cremains/ashes. These can be found at a few locations in Washington DC (especially at his cremation bench at Congressional Cemetery), as well as at sites in NYC, and Burlington,Vermont.- You can see a complete list of specific sites of the location of his on his website. Option #2 - Whenever you want or desire to connect, simply think of him - he is available - and he will still be with you.
Legacy Note from Hoff written to His Deceased Brother Ethan Hoffman
Audio 5 minutes
Hoff has written a legacy note to his deceased brother Ethan, asking for his assistance as a "spirtual guide" during the time of Hoff's transition. Dear Brother Ethan: This is your bother Hoff writing you a letter. The most important messages that I want to give you are 1) I miss you; 2) I have been thinking of you frequently over the years, since your accidental death in 1990; 3) I am truly hoping for your assistance as my spirit guide to help me with my own transition, when the time comes; and 4) I am glad to have this opportunity to remind both of us about some of the major influences and occurrences that have shaped our relationship. Here are a few things that remind me of you: Your Fatal Accident at Age 40 - Your accidental fall through a skylight while on a photojournalist assignment in 1990 was devastatingly traumatic. You had stayed alive long enough for us to gather family and share the transition with you. The Memorial Service: Your friends helped to organize a wonderful memorial serve that took place a week after your death at the famous 92nd street YMCA Concert Hall in New York City.Your talented dance troupe friend Min Tanaka flew in from Japan, to dance a mesmerizing memorial dance in your honor. It was choreographed to the music of “Stand by Me”, the soulful Ben E King classic. That has become my favorite song. Your Nephews Eli and Josh - When you died my son Eli was 6 years old and my son Josh was just 4 years old. Although they did not have much time with you, I know that they have fond early childhood memories of their Uncle Ethan. I am also glad to report that the kids (and grandkids) love “Aunt” Caren and Tudy, who still have a fabulous relationship. Your NYC Loft and the World Trade Center You were a housing pioneer when you bought the old factory loft in an undeveloped part of downtown NYC in Tribeca. Your Ethan Namesake- Eli and Josh are both happily married. Eli and Amanda have one son - and his name is ETHAN. They were kind enough to name him after you, and that is an ongoing blessing. Josh and his wife Anna has honored Mom and Dad with the Hebrew names given to their children Remy and Judah. And i am glad to report that I married a wonderful woman named Dianne, and you and she would definitely love each other. Some Travel Memories We were fortunate to have had so many wonderful travel excursions together with the family. I love our photos and memories from Israel Your Republished Book, and the Continued Demand for Your Photographs There have been numerous requests over the years since your death, for permission to use your photographs from many of your projects. This has been gratifying and have kept your legacy alive. And I am sure you would be appreciative of the photography taken about my art collection of harmonica cases. Movie Produced to help Document your legacy I was very pleased to have worked with sister Caren to produce a 15 minute film that provides a summary retrospective of your life, entitled “The Ethan Hoffman Perspective.” Many people have had a chance to see this award winning movie that celebrates you, and it is easily accessible on my website at hoffharmonica.com. Cremation Plan- As part of my end of life plan I have decided to be cremated. I am very happy to report that one of the places my ashes will be scattered is at Wellwood Cemetery directly along side the adjoining gravesites of you and Mom and Dad. This gives me great peace of mind to know that some of my ashes will be interspersed among the three of you. End of Life Issues - Since the time of my retirement I have been seriously studying end-of-life issues. This research on death and dying has taken many forms. One common denominator is that YOUR spiritual presence has been with me at every step on the way. You have been my constant companion on this journey. This has included exploration in such areas as - readings, meditations; jewish renewal gatherings; legacy workshops; death cafes; shamanic studies; and other forms of research. Future Step: Let me end where I began - The most important messages that I want to give you are 1) I miss you; 2) I have been thinking of you frequently over the years, since your death and 3) I am truly hoping for your assistance as my spirit guide to help me during my own transition. Love Hoff
Ethical / Spiritual Will Of Hoff – written in 2022
Bob Hoffman, better known as “HOFF” will someday transition to the next adventure. After many years of “end of life” preparation, Hoff is now exploring the best ways to continue his energy and spirit and soul and consciousness in a new realm. He is very grateful for all of the love, good times, humor, thoughtfulness, and care, received from all of his family and friends. For a great overview of Hoff’s life and legacy please go to his website at hoffharmonica.com. To visit with Hoff in the future, you have two excellent options: Option #1 - Please go to any of his cremation sites where you can visit his cremains/ashes. These can be found at a few locations in Washington DC (especially at his cremation bench at Congressional Cemetery), as well as at sites in NYC, and Burlington,Vermont.- You can see a complete list of specific sites of the location of his on his website. Option #2 - Whenever you want or desire to connect, simply think of him - he is available - and he will still be with you.
Hoff Plays Some of His Favorite Songs
You Are My Sunshine
Amazing Grace
Auld Lang Syne
Video 2 minutes
Some Hoff 12 Bar Blues Harmonica Playing
Audio 1 minute
From Avoiding to Embracing Death
The Death Diaries * Starring Hoff
Podcast 30 minutes
The narrator of the podcast states "On this episode we hear from Hoff, who shares with us his journey from avoiding death to embracing it. You'll learn how he's channeled it to create a healthier and happier lifestyle while preparing for his own end of life process."